
Introduction to the Customary

This Customary was first developed by the 2005 Liturgy Committee of Laura Smith, John Adams, and Charlie Bauer for the use of all acolytes, ushers, and readers at the Sunday 5:30 service at Bruton. Many aspects of the service have not been described in the guide, so the Customary has been included to describe the everyday tasks, which the Liturgist shares with other acolytes, ushers, and readers. Like this guide itself, the Customary is to be updated as needed. With this in mind, I have edited the Customary to make improvements as necessary and to fit the formatting of this guide.

Original Introduction

The Canterbury Usher and Acolyte Customary has been written as a response to the need for a written guide to our liturgical actions. Liturgy is the most direct link to the Church, and we have the responsibility to do our best to enhance the service. We hope that the Customary proves to be an adequate source of instruction and information so that future members may learn the necessary duties for each participant in the service. In addition, we encourage subsequent revisions to the Customary when needed. With the annual turnover in Canterbury, only written instructions can ensure these guidelines are passed on accurately. We hope this Customary is helpful to all.

––– The 2005 Liturgy Committee

Table of Contents

Usher Customary
Acolyte Customary
Reader Customary

Customary Navigation: Liturgy Committee Customary Introduction Usher Customary Acolyte Customary Reader Customary
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